Emergency Care

You are here:Home2018 Emergency Care A knocked out tooth or bitten tongue can cause panic in any parent, but quick thinking and staying calm are the best ways to approach such common dental emergencies and prevent additional unnecessary damage and costly dental restoration. This includes taking measures such as application of cold compresses to reduce…

Prevention Tips for Children

You are here:Home2018 Prevention Tips for Children Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child’s first birthday. By this time, the baby’s first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning to erupt and it is a critical time to spot any problems before…

Women and Tooth Care

You are here:Home2018 Women and Tooth Care Women have special needs when it comes to their oral health. That’s because the physical changes they undergo through life—menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, breast-feeding and menopause—cause many changes in the body, some harmful to teeth and gums. Lesions and ulcers, dry sockets, as well as swollen gums, can…

Seniors and Oral Health

You are here:Home2018 Seniors and Oral Health More and more people are avoiding the need for dentures as they grow older, going against the notion that false teeth are a normal part of growing older. In fact, there’s usually no reason for you NOT to keep your teeth your entire life, providing you maintain a…

Nutrition and Your Teeth

You are here:Home2018 Nutrition and Your Teeth It has long been known that good nutrition and a well-balanced diet is one of the best defenses for your oral health. Providing your body with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals helps your teeth and gums—as well as your immune system—stay strong and ward off infection,…

Abscessed Tooth

You are here:Home2018 Abscessed Tooth Treatment of an abscessed tooth An abscessed tooth is a pocket of pus, usually caused by some kind of infection and the spread of bacteria from the root of the tooth to the tissue just below or near the tooth. In general, a tooth that has become abscessed is one…

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

You are here:Home2018 Bad Breath (Halitosis) An estimated sixty-five percent of Americans have bad breath. Over forty-million Americans have “chronic halitosis,” which is persistent bad breath. Ninety percent of all halitosis is of oral, not systemic, origin. Americans spend more than $1 billion a year on over the counter halitosis products, many of which are…

Bulimia Nervosa

You are here:Home2018 Bulimia Nervosa People with eating disorders can suffer from oral health problems as well. This is because many of the behaviors associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa—such as binge eating, self-induced vomiting, and use of diuretics or laxatives—cause changes in the mouth. For example, repeated episodes of vomiting, which is common…

Canker/Cold Sores

You are here:Home2018 Canker/Cold Sores People sometimes confuse canker sores and cold sores, but they are completely unrelated. Both can be painful, but knowing the differences can help you keep them in check. A canker sore is typically one that occurs on the delicate tissues inside your mouth. It is usually light-colored at its base…

Cavities and Tooth Decay

You are here:Home2018 Cavities and Tooth Decay What Is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay is caused by a variety of things; in medical terms, cavities are called caries, which are caused by long-term destructive forces acting on tooth structures such as enamel and the tooth’s inner dentin material. These destructive forces include frequent exposure to foods…